September 18 2024


We are happy to announce the 31st edition of the Genetics Retreat – September 18th. The Retreat will be held in Amsterdam this year, and precedes the annual NVHG meeting.

Reasons to join us in the Tolhuistuin in Amsterdam:

  • The Retreat offers an exclusive podium to international PhD-student speakers in relevant, related fields: genetics, epigenetics, systems biology, bioinformatics and (pre)clinical modelling

  • The informal yet professional setting offers an excellent opportunity to represent your research group and to perfect your presentation and scientific discussion skills

  • The meeting is inexpensive: the early bird registration discount is valid until July 1st

  • This year’s meeting features the Honorary guest lecture by Jan Hoeijmakers.

  •  Visit our website for more information on the venue, program, sponsoring and early registration.

Genetics Retreat