UMD Preconception Carrier Screening Webinar
Dear colleagues,
We would like to invite you to the UMD webinar on Preconception Carrier Screening in the Netherlands - Is Prevention Better Than Cure? on November the 29th 13.00-15.00 CET. Please find below how you can register for the webinar.
Most metabolic conditions and many other genetic diseases follow an autosomal recessive inheritance pattern. When a child is diagnosed with a severe genetic condition, parents often ask ‘could we have known before that both of us are carrier of this condition’? In theory the answer is yes, but in practice screening for carrier status before pregnancy is not available to most parents-to-be. In this webinar we will discuss a large pilot preconception carrier screening program that took place in Australia, as well as a recent Dutch Health Council report. We will discuss potential next steps.
Date and time: 29-Nov-2024 13:00-15:00 CET
Location: Zoom
Registration: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_hnTU43mGTSmFDOqxztQBkA
Registration fee: free of charge
Accreditation will be requested for: NVK, VKGN
Language: English
The preliminary program is as follows:
Prof. dr. Martin Delatycki - The Australian Mackenzie’s Mission project
Prof. dr. Samantha Edwards - Australian lessons learned: what now?
Prof. dr. Lidewij Henneman - The Dutch Health Council report
Prof. dr. Clara van Karnebeek - To prevent or to cure?
Prof. dr. Guido de Wert - Preconceptional carrier screening versus gene therapy
Dr. Elke Slagt-Tichelman - Preconceptional genetic carrier testing, a perspective of a politician
Plenary Discussion
We hope you join us on November the 29th.
Yours sincerely,
Prof. dr. Ron Wevers, Emeritus Professor in Clinical Chemistry, Radboudumc
Prof. dr. Martina Cornel, Professor Community Genetics & Public Health Genomics, Amsterdam UMC
The UMD Board