NVHG 2024
19 & 20 September 2024
Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen, Amsterdam
Celebrating the 75th annual anniversary of the NVHG
Thu 19 & Fri 20 September 2024
Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen
Mauritskade 64
1092 AD Amsterdam
The Netherlands
General information:
As every year, the NVHG organizes a conference for all Dutch geneticists to connect, share knowledge, collaborate, and network. The NVHG aims to provide the latest genetics and genomics advancements, from basic to translational research from within and outside of the Netherlands.
This year the NVHG celebrates its 75th anniversary, and therefore we put our field of genetics in perspective of the past and future. How has the field developed over the years? And how do we expect it to develop in the near future? What will its contribution to improving health?
Please consider submitting an abstract for either an oral or poster presentation.
In 2024 we will also hand out the Young Investigator Award and Galjaard Award.
This meeting would not have been possible without the generous support from our sponsors, the Simons Fonds as well as bioscience companies. We thank all of them and encourage all participants to see the representatives at the stands to take note of the products offered by them.
Frequently asked questions
A request to provide accreditation will be put in.
We will soon open registration for the conference. Please check our website!
Stichting Formation is a Dutch-based family-run foundation that aims to support women at the start of their scientific careers by offering small grants to subsidize conference attendance or scientific exchanges from abroad to the Netherlands.
Foreign participants of the NVHG conference might benefit from financial aid from Stichting Formation. More details are available to our website www.stichtingformation.nl. Here, you will also find information about eligibility, the application procedure and the application form.