Nederlandse Vereniging voor Humane Genetica
Dutch Society of Human Genetics

Connecting science, lab, clinic
and policy in human genetics

Register now for NVHG 2024! 19-20 September,
KIT, Amsterdam

NVHG represents all human genetics professionals within The Netherlands

For care professionals

NVHG provides you access to the frontrunners in human genetics research, and allows you to be the first to hear about new genetic applications in clinical practice. Depending on your needs, NVHG may guide you to appropriate training and workshops.

For scientists

We offer you a stage to present your research at our annual symposium attended by all relevant stakeholders in the field. Our network comprises clinicians, patient representatives and technology developers who can help you furthering your research

For policy makers

The field of human genetics is developing fast, making it a challenge to keep up to date. NVHG aims to provide all the information you need to support (inter)national policy making decisions.

For you

Genetics is having a growing impact on society, and everyday life. NVHG provides you a communication portal to all relevant information you need.